Pretty good
I loved all the references and parodies you made to other excellent flash movies here - my favourite parts were the Weebl & Pico scene, the Donkey Kong sequence, and the There She Is section too.
I would have given you a 10 overall - if it wern't for the ending - which I am very offended by:
You may not realize this just by looking at my name, but I am a member of the Clock Crew. B, is one of our most famous movies, sure it's just a red letter B
Not only have you potrayed B as one of the worst flashes on the portal (Okay, I would have not cared if you went with a different SBC flash like maybe "DONALD DUCK PORNO" instead - that one is truly horrible, even to me!), you also KILLED StrawberryClock!
Everyone knows that StrawberryClock is the king of the portal, and that YOU CANNOT KILL STRAWBERRYCLOCK! I'm sorry I have to say this, but this cost you 5 points overall for blashamatic portrayal of Clock Crew elements.
If it wern't for that, I would have given you a 10. Unoffically, I am giving you that, if you do not include the ending as part of your score. So, offically, you get a 5 overall.
Sorry I had to do that, I'm just concerned that you sorta made fun of us like that. I do consider this one of the best Pico Day flashes, and I did vote 5, but other than that, please think about what you have done.